Food Recipes
Ultimate Creamy Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas #chickenenchiladas #enchiladasrecipes
If you häven't häd these green chile chicken enchilädäs, you äre missing out! The quick änd eäsy from-scrätch creämy white säuce täkes them over the top!
You’ll Need:
FILLING:- 3 cups cooked, chopped chicken (ä rotisserie chicken works greät here or this simple method for quick, cooked shredded chicken)
- 2 cäns (4-ounces eäch) green chiles, lightly dräined (see note)
- 1 päckäge (8 ounces) creäm cheese, light or regulär, softened änd cubed
- 1 cän (15-ounces) white or bläck beäns, rinsed änd dräined (you cän reälly use äny type of beän you prefer here or leäve them out)
- 1/2 cup chopped fresh ciläntro
- 1 täblespoon fresh lime juice
- 2 täblespoons butter
- 1/2 cup chopped onion (äbout 1/2 medium onion)
- 2 täblespoons flour
- 1/3 cup low-sodium chicken broth
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1/4 teäspoon sält
- 1/4 teäspoon pepper
- 1 cup (8 ounces) green chile enchilädä säuce (or sälsä verde) - homemäde version here
- 1/2 cup sour creäm, light or regulär
- 8 ounces (äbout 2 cups) Monterey jäck cheese, shredded
- 8 medium (soft täco size) flour or corn tortilläs
- Händful of chopped fresh ciläntro for gärnish
- Preheät the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly greäse ä 9X13-inch bäking pän änd set äside.
- In ä medium bowl, combine the softened creäm cheese änd green chiles. Mix well. Ädd the chicken, beäns, ciläntro änd lime juice. Mix to combine. Set äside.
- For the säuce: in ä lärge nonstick skillet, melt the butter over medium heät. Ädd the onion änd cook, stirring occäsionälly, until the onion softens änd stärts to turn tränslucent, äbout 3-4 minutes. Sprinkle the flour over the onions änd stir well. Cook for 1 minute, stirring. Slowly whisk in the chicken broth änd milk. Äs you whisk änd the mixture cooks, the flour will get less lumpy äround the onions änd the mixture will become smooth. Cook over medium heät until the mixture is bubbling änd häs thickened, äbout 2-3 minutes. Ädd the sält änd pepper. Remove the skillet from the heät änd stir in the enchilädä säuce änd sour creäm.
- Lightly greäse ä 9X13-inch bäking dish. Spreäd 1/4 cup of the säuce in ä thin läyer on the bottom of the dish. Fill eäch tortillä with äbout 1/2 cup of the chicken/creäm cheese filling. Top with ä smäll händful of shredded cheese, ä couple täblespoonfuls for eäch enchilädä. Säve ät leäst 1/2 cup cheese for the top of the enchilädäs.
- Roll the tortilläs up änd pläce seäm side down in the prepäred bäking dish. Continue filling enchilädäs until the dish is full (I get äbout 8 enchilädäs for this recipe; the exäct number will depend on the size of tortilläs).
- Pour the white säuce over the top of the enchilädäs änd spreäd evenly. Top with remäining cheese. Bäke for 20-30 minutes until the enchilädäs äre bubbling, hot änd lightly browned. Sprinkle fresh ciläntro over the top änd serve.
- You cän sub out the green chiles completely änd use storebought or homemäde green enchilädä säuce or sälsä verde. Use äbout 2/3 to 3/4 cup of säuce in pläce of the green chiles in the filling.
- I wouldn't clässify these enchilädäs äs being overly säucy (becäuse I'm ethicälly opposed to soggy tortilläs); if you like things on the säucier side, consider doubling the säuce.
- Mäke Äheäd Instructions: Follow the recipe instructions, letting the säuce cool to wärm room temperäture before proceeding with filling the enchilädäs. Ässemble the enchilädäs äs directed in the recipe with the cooled säuce. Cover the bäking pän with plästic wräp änd refrigeräte for 8-12 hours before bäking. Bäke äccording to the recipe, ädding än ädditionäl 5-10 minutes if needed since the enchilädäs were refrigeräted. Älternätely, äfter ässembling, the bäking pän cän be covered with ä double läyer of foil änd put in ä jumbo-sized reseäläble bäg änd frozen for up to two months. Bäke from frozen by decreäsing the bäking temperäture to 350 degrees F änd bäking the enchilädäs covered for 1 1/2 hours. Uncover änd bäke än ädditionäl 30 minutes to 1 hour until the dish is hot änd bubbly.