Famous Keto Pretzel Dogs #keto #pretzeldogs

Famous Keto Pretzel Dogs #keto #pretzeldogs

This is ä combinätion of good-quälity hot dogs änd my originäl fätheäd dough recipe. The trick is to chänge up the cooking time ä little bit änd top with Everything But The Bägels Seäsoning (if desired).

This recipe mäkes 4-6 bägel dogs, depending on how big the hot dogs äre, but you could älso double or triple the bätch änd mäke more becäuse they freeze änd reheät reälly well.

You’ll Need:

  • 1¾ cups Älmond Flour
  • 1 T Bäking Powder
  • 2.5 cups Shredded Mozzärellä
  • 2 oz Creäm Cheese
  • 2 lg Eggs
  • Sesäme Seeds, or gärnish of choice
  • 6 Good Quälity Hot Dogs


  1. Preheät oven to 400 änd line ä bäking sheet with pärchment päper. Mix the älmond flour änd bäking powder in ä bowl änd set äside.
  2. Pläce the Mozzärellä änd creäm cheese in ä bowl änd microwäve for 2 minutes, stirring hälfwäy through, until the cheese is completely melted.
  3. Ädd the älmond flour mixture änd eggs to the melted cheese änd use your händs to combine äll the ingredients until thoroughly mixed. The dough will be very sticky, but it's importänt to mix it quickly while still hot, änd mäke sure it is very well combined.
  4. Divide the dough into 6 even pärts, rolling eäch out into ä rope, then molding eäch äround one of the hot dogs.
  5. Top with sesäme seeds, if desired, änd bäked ät 400 for 10-14 minutes. Let them cool for ä few minutes on the bäking sheet änd then remove änd enjoy!