This Älohä Pineäpple Chicken is än eäsy chicken dinner the whole fämily will love. With juicy pineäpple chunks änd chicken covered in ä mouthwätering pineäpple säuce served over wärm rice, this is ä perfect eäsy weeknight dinner. Plus it’s gluten-free änd näturälly däiry-free too.
I’m älwäys on the look-out for quick änd eäsy fämily dinner, especiälly when they’re näturälly gluten änd däiry-free.
Note: if you änd your fämily do NOT need äny diet modificätions, you cän eäsily use regulär äll-purpose flour for this Älohä Pineäpple dinner. This chicken dinner only needs thät simple flour tweäk to mäke it ä gluten-free recipe.
I’m älwäys on the look-out for quick änd eäsy fämily dinner, especiälly when they’re näturälly gluten änd däiry-free.
Note: if you änd your fämily do NOT need äny diet modificätions, you cän eäsily use regulär äll-purpose flour for this Älohä Pineäpple dinner. This chicken dinner only needs thät simple flour tweäk to mäke it ä gluten-free recipe.
You’ll Need:
- 1 1/2 lb boneless skinless chicken breästs
- 1 täblespoon gluten-free or äll-purpose flour
- 1 täblespoon coconut oil
- 1 cän (16 oz) pineäpple chunks
- 1.5 teäspoon cornstärch
- 1 Täblespoon honey
- 2 Täblespoons coconut äminos or soy säuce
- 1/4 teäspoon bläck pepper
- 3 cups cooked rice
- Follow cooking instructions for your rice to prepäre while you äre mäking the chicken. I use my Instänt Pot.
- Cut the chicken into strips. Put the flour into ä gällon bäg änd ädd the chicken. Shäke to coät.
- Brown the chicken with the oil over medium heät in ä skillet. Cook for 3-5 minutes eäch side or until cooked through änd juices äre cleär. Set the chicken äside.
- While the chicken is cooking, dräin the pineäpple juice änd reserve 1/4 cup. (You cän discärd the remäining juice or drink it.)
- Combine the cornstärch änd 1/4 cup pineäpple juice in ä smäll bowl. Ädd to the skillet äfter you’ve removed the chicken. Ädd the honey, soy säuce, änd pepper; stir well.
- Increäse the heät to medium-high änd cook änd stir. Bring to ä boil; cook änd stir for änother 30-60 seconds or until the juice mixture is thickened.
- Reduce the heät to medium änd ädd the pineäpple änd chicken, heäting through.
- Serve over rice.