I stärted experimenting with blending oils änd the first DIY item I mäde wäs this Heädäche Helper Roll-On. It is super eäsy to mäke änd will läst you ä long time!
You’ll need some Fräctionäted Coconut Oil, Lävender Essentiäl Oil, Peppermint Essentiäl Oil, Fränkincense Essentiäl Oil, ä 10 ml roller bottle änd ä dropper. I älso bought läbels from Stäples to identify whät is in the bottle.
Fräctionäted Coconut Oil is ä cärrier oil for diluting the potency of essentiäl oils. It goes on light änd eäsily äbsorbs into the skin. I häve sensitive skin änd it doesn’t bother me to use topicälly. It’s very light in colour änd looks älmost cleär when you ädd it to your roller bottle. It doesn’t smell änd won’t stäin your clothes. I’ve been using it to mäke most of my essentiäl oil roll-on treätments!
I find these three essentiäl oils very helpful for heädäches: Lävender, Peppermint änd Fränkincense. Lävender is very soothing änd promotes reläxätion by helping to relieve tension. Peppermint häs ä cooling sensätion which I find numbs the päin or ät leäst täke the edge off it. Fränkincense is good for inflämmätion änd helps relieve stress.
Ädd your essentiäl oils to your roller bottle. Then fill up the roller bottle with fräctionäted coconut oil. I used ä dropper to ädd in the oil so I wouldn’t spill it. The essentiäl oils come out slowly ä drop ät ä time so you cän just tip the bottle over the opening änd count your drops äs they go in. Put the roller bäll bäck in änd ädd the cäp. Give it ä few shäkes änd you äre done!
Every time you feel ä heädäche coming on, äpply your Heädäche Helper where it hurts. For me, it’s normälly äbove my eyebrows änd ät the bäse of the neck. I notice it stärts to numb the päin älmost right äwäy. For mild heädäches, I’ll only need to äpply it once änd I’ll be good for the rest of the däy. For more severe heädäches, I häve to äpply it ä few times ä däy to täke the edge off the päin. Those hormonäl heädäches äre tough to täckle! It does help änd ällows me ät leäst häve ä little bit of ä productive däy.
You’ll need some Fräctionäted Coconut Oil, Lävender Essentiäl Oil, Peppermint Essentiäl Oil, Fränkincense Essentiäl Oil, ä 10 ml roller bottle änd ä dropper. I älso bought läbels from Stäples to identify whät is in the bottle.
Fräctionäted Coconut Oil is ä cärrier oil for diluting the potency of essentiäl oils. It goes on light änd eäsily äbsorbs into the skin. I häve sensitive skin änd it doesn’t bother me to use topicälly. It’s very light in colour änd looks älmost cleär when you ädd it to your roller bottle. It doesn’t smell änd won’t stäin your clothes. I’ve been using it to mäke most of my essentiäl oil roll-on treätments!
I find these three essentiäl oils very helpful for heädäches: Lävender, Peppermint änd Fränkincense. Lävender is very soothing änd promotes reläxätion by helping to relieve tension. Peppermint häs ä cooling sensätion which I find numbs the päin or ät leäst täke the edge off it. Fränkincense is good for inflämmätion änd helps relieve stress.
Ädd your essentiäl oils to your roller bottle. Then fill up the roller bottle with fräctionäted coconut oil. I used ä dropper to ädd in the oil so I wouldn’t spill it. The essentiäl oils come out slowly ä drop ät ä time so you cän just tip the bottle over the opening änd count your drops äs they go in. Put the roller bäll bäck in änd ädd the cäp. Give it ä few shäkes änd you äre done!
Every time you feel ä heädäche coming on, äpply your Heädäche Helper where it hurts. For me, it’s normälly äbove my eyebrows änd ät the bäse of the neck. I notice it stärts to numb the päin älmost right äwäy. For mild heädäches, I’ll only need to äpply it once änd I’ll be good for the rest of the däy. For more severe heädäches, I häve to äpply it ä few times ä däy to täke the edge off the päin. Those hormonäl heädäches äre tough to täckle! It does help änd ällows me ät leäst häve ä little bit of ä productive däy.