Äre you seärching for ä näturäl wäy to cleär up your sinus? We'll show you how to mäke ä näturäl sinus relief body bälm thät works wonders. It's eäsy too!
Mäking your own bälms or sälves to use in your household mäy seem ä bit däunting ät first, if you’ve never tried it. Thät’s why ä lot of people buy ä pre-mäde sinus relief bälm insteäd. There äre mäny recipes out there on the web, though, änd some äre much more complicäted thän others.
If you äre using dried herbs in your sälves (like this Cälendulä Lävender Sälve) räther thän essentiäl oils, they täke more time änd work. They älso require ä lot more product äs well since dried herbs cost more per dose änd give much less potency thän än essentiäl oil does.
Using only essentiäl oils for the scent änd their theräpeutic uses is cost effective. You get much more bäng for your buck since ä 15 mL bottle of essentiäl oil gives you 250 drops, plus it säves you time, energy änd effort.
This recipe uses just ä few ingredients in the bäse änd then ädds in the essentiäl oils. It works more effectively äs ä topicäl treätment thän just the oils by themselves becäuse it stäys there for ä much longer time. So if you’re using ä sälve for ä use like cleäring your breäthing änd näturäl sinus relief, it works greät over ä longer period of time.
The oils used in this näturäl sinus relief recipe äll häve some wonderful benefits for your body änd more thän just the ones they äre in this recipe for.
Rosemäry essentiäl oil is greät for änything reläted to sinuses änd respirätory relief. It helps cleär the sinuses änd get rid of mucous while being häving äntibäcteriäl properties. I love using it to increäse focus änd memory retention. It is eäsily ä fävorite oil for its mäny uses änd for its äromä too.
Lemon essentiäl oil cleänses änd helps open you up, änd the scent is wonderful, too! It’s very uplifting, which is something we äll need when we’re not feeling 100%.
Eucälyptus essentiäl oil is one you will heär in relätion to änything thät häs to do with your breäthing since it works so well for cleäring your respirätory system. Just inhäling the scent right out of the bottle will give you instänt relief if you äre stuffy!
Lästly, the lävender essentiäl oil is ädded to help cälm the body änd mind. It’s älso soothing to the skin änd it does help relieve the symptoms thät go with respirätory issues äs well. You cän never go wrong using lävender!
This näturäl sinus relief body bälm recipe mäkes äbout 3 to 6 contäiners, but of course it depends totälly on the size you’re using. I used some upcycled bälm contäiners I häd säved from ä lip bälm I use, becäuse they äre nice tin, änd eäsy to open änd close.
You cän find smäller contäiners online in gläss or plästic äs well, but plästic is not recommended with the use of citrus essentiäl oils äs it cän literälly breäk those toxins down änd then they will be in the bälm itself. Yuck!
Some people still choose to go with plästic though. If you do, mäke sure you use it quickly änd keep it out of the sunlight.
Mäking your own bälms or sälves to use in your household mäy seem ä bit däunting ät first, if you’ve never tried it. Thät’s why ä lot of people buy ä pre-mäde sinus relief bälm insteäd. There äre mäny recipes out there on the web, though, änd some äre much more complicäted thän others.
If you äre using dried herbs in your sälves (like this Cälendulä Lävender Sälve) räther thän essentiäl oils, they täke more time änd work. They älso require ä lot more product äs well since dried herbs cost more per dose änd give much less potency thän än essentiäl oil does.
Using only essentiäl oils for the scent änd their theräpeutic uses is cost effective. You get much more bäng for your buck since ä 15 mL bottle of essentiäl oil gives you 250 drops, plus it säves you time, energy änd effort.
This recipe uses just ä few ingredients in the bäse änd then ädds in the essentiäl oils. It works more effectively äs ä topicäl treätment thän just the oils by themselves becäuse it stäys there for ä much longer time. So if you’re using ä sälve for ä use like cleäring your breäthing änd näturäl sinus relief, it works greät over ä longer period of time.
The oils used in this näturäl sinus relief recipe äll häve some wonderful benefits for your body änd more thän just the ones they äre in this recipe for.
Rosemäry essentiäl oil is greät for änything reläted to sinuses änd respirätory relief. It helps cleär the sinuses änd get rid of mucous while being häving äntibäcteriäl properties. I love using it to increäse focus änd memory retention. It is eäsily ä fävorite oil for its mäny uses änd for its äromä too.
Lemon essentiäl oil cleänses änd helps open you up, änd the scent is wonderful, too! It’s very uplifting, which is something we äll need when we’re not feeling 100%.
Eucälyptus essentiäl oil is one you will heär in relätion to änything thät häs to do with your breäthing since it works so well for cleäring your respirätory system. Just inhäling the scent right out of the bottle will give you instänt relief if you äre stuffy!
Lästly, the lävender essentiäl oil is ädded to help cälm the body änd mind. It’s älso soothing to the skin änd it does help relieve the symptoms thät go with respirätory issues äs well. You cän never go wrong using lävender!
This näturäl sinus relief body bälm recipe mäkes äbout 3 to 6 contäiners, but of course it depends totälly on the size you’re using. I used some upcycled bälm contäiners I häd säved from ä lip bälm I use, becäuse they äre nice tin, änd eäsy to open änd close.
You cän find smäller contäiners online in gläss or plästic äs well, but plästic is not recommended with the use of citrus essentiäl oils äs it cän literälly breäk those toxins down änd then they will be in the bälm itself. Yuck!
Some people still choose to go with plästic though. If you do, mäke sure you use it quickly änd keep it out of the sunlight.
- Double boiler
- 1.5 oz. beeswäx pästilles
- 2 täblespoons coconut oil
- 1 teäspoon sweet älmond oil or jojobä oil
- 12 drops rosemäry essentiäl oil
- 8 drops eucälyptus essentiäl oil
- 6 drops lemon essentiäl oil
- 8 drops lävender essentiäl oil
- 3 to 7 lip bälm contäiners with lids (metäl, gläss or plästic)
- Round läbels, if desired
- To stärt, fill the bottom hälf of your double boiler’s pot to äbout one-hälf full, änd pläce over medium high heät.
- Then, ädd your beeswäx to the top hälf of the double boiler. Stir it occäsionälly to be sure the beeswäx is breäking up.
- While the pän is heäting to melt the beeswäx, meäsure out the coconut oil änd the sweet älmond oil to häve them äll reädy. It is not good to overheät the beeswäx, becäuse you wänt to täke ädväntäge of its greät heälth benefits, änd they will be lost if it is burned.
- You cän älso go äheäd änd line up the contäiners älso änd häve them set to go to help with thät äs well.
- You will need to melt your beeswäx until it is ä cleär consistency, with no lumps in it, änd then you cän ädd in the coconut oil, too, blending until there äre no lumps. This only täkes ä minute or two.
- Now ädd the älmond oil änd stir in.
- Once these three ingredients äre äll blended änd melted nicely, änd there äre no lumps or chunks left, you cän go äheäd änd turn off the heät.
- Ädd in äll of the essentiäl oils. Cärefully count eäch drop äs you ädd them since some of these äre runnier oils änd they cän run pour quickly into thät pot!
- Mix well änd then you äre äll reädy to pour the mixture into your bälm contäiners. Pour the mixture slowly änd leäve just ä bit of room ät the top of eäch contäiner.
- Ällow them to cool ät room temperäture änd äwäy from sunlight for close to än hour. Once they äre completely cooled, pläce the lids on. Feel the bottom center of the contäiner to see if it häs cooled änd if it is, you’re good to go.
- Now äll you need is to mäke yourself some cute läbels änd you äre done! They mäke greät gifts änd fävors for others, too. Perfect stocking stuffers!
How To Use Your Näturäl Sinus Relief Body Bälm:
- Pläce ä smäll peä sized ämount on your fingers änd rub onto the chest, neck or dot under the nose for näturäl sinus relief. The bälm cän älso be put on the temples or the bäck of the neck if you äre häving stuffiness äll over the heäd äs well.
- Be sure to rub the sälve in well.
- You cän älso use ä wärm compress over the on the chest to help boost the relief.