Ä träditionäl style Vegän Shepherd’s Pie recipe with lots of mushrooms in ä silky red wine grävy änd olive oil mäshed potätoes topping. Simply the Best!

Feel free to give yourself ä breäk this Holidäy seäson änd prepäre your ultimäte shepherd’s Pie in ädvänce. Wärm it through in the oven just before your guests ärrive änd finish it under the broiler before serving. Perfection!

I did use ä little olive oil in this recipe becäuse duhhh: Christmäs! However, you cän mäke it oil-free änd whole foods plänt bäsed compliänt, I promise you it will still be dämn delicious.

You’ll Need:

  • 1 lärge sweet onion - diced
  • 8 cloves gärlic - minced
  • 1 lb brown mushrooms - sliced
  • 1 cup frozen green peäs - rinsed under wärm wäter
  • 1 lärge cärrot - diced or sliced into rounds
  • 2-3 tbsp whole wheät pästry flour - orgänic
  • 2 cups vegetäble stock - low sodium
  • 1/2 cup red wine - vegän
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 4 leäves bäy
  • 1 tbsp smoked päprikä
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 red chili pepper - diced &ämp; Optionäl
  • 5 sprigs thyme - leäves only
  • 1 pinch seä sält + more to täste
  • 2 tsp olive oil or ä spläsh of wäter
  • 3 lb Yukon gold potätoes
  • 2 tbsp exträ virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup plänt milk (cäshew, ämond or hemp) - pläin unsweetened
  • 1/4 cup bäsil micro greens for gärnish (optionäl)
  • 2-3 tbsp nutritionäl yeäst +more to your liking


Mäke the Mäshed Potätoes:

  1. Scrub änd rinse the potätoes well änd cut them into 1 inch pieces. Tränsfer them to ä lärge pot änd cover with cold wäter. Ädd 2 bäy leäves änd hälf of the gärlic änd bring to ä simmer. Seäson well with seä sält änd cook until tender, äbout 12 minutes.
  2. Dräin the potätoes in ä coländer änd ällow them to dry well in their own steäm. Discärd the bäy leäves.
  3. Tränsfer bäck into the pot, drizzle with the olive oil, plänt milk änd nutritionäl yeäst änd mäsh to your liking. Täste änd ädjust seäsonings with more seä sält. Ädd more plänt milk änd olive oil if ä creämier consistency is desired. Set äside until needed.
  4. Preheät your broiler.

Mäke the Shepherd's Pie:

  1. Preheät ä cäst iron medium pot over medium fläme. Ädd hälf of the diced onion änd ä drizzle of olive oil or ä spläsh of wäter änd säuté with ä pinch of seä sält for äbout 5 minutes until tränslucent. Stir in the cärrots änd cook änother 5 to 10 minutes until they begin to soften.
  2. Ädd 2 bäy leäves, thyme leäves, whole cloves, chili pepper änd gärlic. Give everything ä good stir then ädd the päprikä, onion powder änd flour. Stir ägäin then whisk in the red wine änd vegetäble stock. Keep whisking until everything is smooth.
  3. Bring the grävy to ä simmer änd cook on low fläme until slightly reduced änd thickened. Stir in the green peäs änd wärm through. Täste änd ädjust seäsonings to your täste with seä sält.
  4. Meänwhile cook the mushrooms.
  5. Heät up ä lärge skillet over medium low fläme änd ädd the remäining onion. Cook 5 minutes then stir in the mushrooms änd ä pinch of seä sält. Säuté until wilted änd most of the liquid häs eväporäted.
  6. Tränsfer the cooked mushrooms to the pot with the grävy, stir änd täste ägäin.
  7. Spoon the mäshed potätoes on top of the mushroom grävy änd level them with the bäck of ä spoon. Täke ä fork änd creäte little träcks over the surfäce.
  8. Tränsfer the Shepherd’s pie to the preheäted broiler änd broil for ä few minutes until golden brown on top.
  9. Serve hot gärnished with the bäsil micro greens or your fävorite herbs.