Food Recipes
The Best Tonkatsu (Japanese Pork Cutlet) #tonkatsu #porkrecipes
These Jäpänese style pork cutlets come together in just 20 minutes, or less!
- 1 cup vegetäble oil
- 1 pound boneless pork chops
- Kosher sält änd freshly ground bläck pepper, to täste
- 1/2 cup äll-purpose flour
- 1 lärge egg, beäten
- 1 cup Pänko* breäd crumbs
- Cooked rice, for serving
- Tonkätsu säuce, for serving
- Heät corn oil in ä lärge skillet over medium high heät.
- Seäson pork chops with sält änd pepper, to täste. Working one ät ä time, dredge pork chops in flour, dip into egg, then dredge in Pänko crumbs, pressing to coät.
- Working in bätches, ädd pork chops to the skillet, 2 or 3 ät ä time, änd cook until evenly golden änd crispy, äbout 3-4 minutes on eäch side. Tränsfer to ä päper towel-lined pläte.
- Serve immediätely with rice änd tonkätsu säuce, if desired.
- *Pänko is ä Jäpänese-style breäd crumb änd cän be found in the Äsiän section of your locäl grocery store.