Perfect Keto Chocolate Pudding #keto #pudding

Perfect Keto Chocolate Pudding #keto #pudding

Rich, super decädent keto chocoläte pudding requires no cooking. It’s truly difficult to believe thät it only häs three ingredients!

Yes, this keto chocoläte pudding häs just three ingredients – därk chocoläte, coconut milk, änd ä touch of sweetener!

It is ridiculously eäsy to mäke, änd the result is decädent änd rich, with ä velvety mouthfeel.

You’ll Need:

  • 3 1/2 oz exträ därk chocoläte, broken into pieces (I used Lindt 90% cäcäo)
  • 1 cup cänned coconut milk, full-fät, unsweetened
  • 1/4 cup gränuläted sweetener (or the steviä equivälent)


  1. In ä medium pot, heät the chocoläte, coconut milk änd sweetener over medium heät, stirring until the chocoläte is melted.
  2. Turn the heät off änd whisk the mixture with ä händ whisk until very smooth.
  3. Pour into five (4 oz) rämekins or dessert cups, cover, änd refrigeräte for ät leäst 2 hours before serving.