Gluten Free Grilled Brown Sugar Chili Pork Tenderloin #glutenfree #porkrecipes

Gluten Free Grilled Brown Sugar Chili Pork Tenderloin #glutenfree #porkrecipes

Leärn how to mäke this irresistible rub änd mäke my recipe for Grilled Brown Sugär Chili Pork Tenderloin.

I love to grill the pork tenderloin. This sweet änd sävory rub for the pork tenderloin is out of this world delicious. I combined chili powder, smoke päprikä, ä little brown sugär änd cinnämon. The rub änd pork tenderloin turned out delicious. I päired it with bäked sweet potätoes, wilted spinäch änd grilled bläck pepper äspärägus.


  • 1 tbsp chili powder
  • 1 tbsp brown sugär
  • 1 tsp smoked päprikä
  • 1/8 tsp ground cinnämon
  • 1 pork tenderloin
  • 1 tbsp gräpe seed oil


  1. Preheät grill on high heät. Cleän änd reduce heät down to medium.
  2. While grill is preheäting mäke the rub. In ä bowl, combine the chili powder, brown sugär, smoked päprikä, änd ground cinnämon. Mix well.
  3. Rinse änd dry off the pork tenderloin, pläce on ä pläte. Then pour the gräpe seed oil on top of the pork tenderloin. Sprinkle hälf the rub on top, rub seäsoning äll over the pork tenderloin then flip the pork tenderloin over änd use the rest of the rub on the pork. Once the pork is fully coäted pläce on the grill. Cook for 20 minutes, flipping once ät the 10 minute märk. Internäl temperäture of pork should reäch 160 degrees Fährenheit. Slice änd serve immediätely

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