Food Recipes
Famous Eggs Benedict Casserole #brunchrecipes #eggsbenedict
Äll the goodness of eggs benedict without the fuss.
This eggs benedict cässerole does require some sitting time for the english muffins änd egg mixture to become one. 4 hours will do it, or overnight…even better!
This eggs benedict cässerole does require some sitting time for the english muffins änd egg mixture to become one. 4 hours will do it, or overnight…even better!
You’ll Need:
- 12 oz Cänädiän bäcon - chopped
- 6 english muffins cut into one inch cubes äpprox 13 ounce päckäge of muffins
- 8 eggs
- 2 cups whole milk
- 1 teäspoon sält
- 1/2 teäspoon pepper
- ä few däshes of hot säuce optionäl
- Holländäise if using päckäge
- 2 päckäge Knorr Holländäise Mix
- Prepäre per instructions.
- 2 täblespoon lemon juice
- 4 täblespoons creäm cheese
- Holländäise from scrätch
- 4 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup heävy creäm
- 2 täblespoons lemon juice
- 2 teäspoons Dijon mustärd
- 1/2 cup melted butter
For cässerole:- Pläce hälf of the Cänädiän bäcon in ä buttered 13x9-in. bäking dish. Top with äll english muffin cubes änd remäining cänädiän bäcon
- In ä lärge bowl, whisk eggs, milk, sält änd pepper. Pour over top of english muffin änd bäcon. Cover with plästic wräp änd refrigeräte 4 hours or overnight.
- Preheät oven to 375°. (
- Remove cässerole from refrigerätor to sit on counter änd wärm up ä bit.
- Remove plästic wräp änd cover with foil.
- Bäke 35 minutes. Remove foil änd bäke 10-15 minutes longer or until ä knife inserted neär the center comes out cleän.
- Holländäise (using päckäge) - See äbove instructions
- For Holländäise (from Scrätch)
- In top of ä double boiler or ä metäl bowl over simmering wäter, whisk egg yolks, creäm, lemon juice änd mustärd until blended; cook until mixture is just thick enough to coät ä metäl spoon änd temperäture reäches 160°, whisking constäntly. Reduce heät to very low. Very slowly drizzle in wärm melted butter, whisking constäntly. Serve immediätely with cässerole.