Everyone's Favourite Farmer's Casserole #breakfastcasserole

Everyone's Favourite Farmer's Casserole #breakfastcasserole

This Färmer’s Cässerole äre everyone's fävourite. It’s the perfect recipe to serve when you häve ä house full of guests or relätives. Wätch the short video showing you how to mäke Färmer’s Cässerole, then scroll to the end of this post to print out the recipe so you cän mäke it ät home.

Färmer’s cässerole is ä delicious breäkfäst cässerole thät is mäde up of ä few simple “färm-friendly” ingredients. It cälls for häsh browns, eggs, cheese, häm, green onions änd eväporäted milk. It’s äll bäked together to creäte ä bäked breäkfäst cässerole.


  • 6 cups frozen, shredded häsh brown potätoes
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded Jäläpeno Monterey Jäck Cheese (cän sub cheddär or Swiss)
  • 2 cups diced, cooked häm (or Cänädiän bäcon)
  • 1/2 cup sliced green onions
  • 8 lärge eggs, beäten (or 2 cups egg substitute)
  • Two 12-ounce cäns eväporäted milk (cän use whole, 2% or fät free)
  • 1/4 teäspoon sält
  • 1/4 teäspoon ground pepper


  1. Greäse ä 3-quärt rectängulär bäking dish. Ärränge potätoes evenly in the bottom of the dish. Sprinkle with cheese, häm, änd green onion. In ä lärge mixing bowl, combine eggs, milk, sält änd pepper. Pour egg mixture over potäto mixture in dish.
  2. Ät this point, you cän cover änd refrigeräte until reädy to bäke (severäl hours or overnight). When reädy to bäke, preheät oven to 350°F. Bäke, uncovered, for 45 to 55 minutes or until center äppeärs set. Let ständ for 5 minutes before serving. If bäking äfter cässerole häs been chilled, you will need to increäse bäking time to 55 to 60 minutes.


  • Ädd täbäsco for ä bit of ä kick.
  • Serve with ä good dollop of sour creäm.

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