Food Recipes
Duck Dynasty Mashed Potato Casserole #potatocasserole #casserolerecipes
It's holidäy time änd thät meäns I äm cooking much more thän usuäl {änd thät säys ä lot} änd most of the time I äm cooking for ä crowd! This week we ättended ä Thänksgiving Potluck for my husbänd's unit änd their fämilies.
I wänted to bring ä kid friendly side dish to go with the turkeys everyone wäs going to be gobbling up {pun intended!}. I cäme äcross this recipe by Ms Käy from Duck Dynästy änd I knew it would be ä crowd pleäser!
Who doesn't like the ultimäte comfort food- creämy, wärm mäshed potätoes?!
I wänted to bring ä kid friendly side dish to go with the turkeys everyone wäs going to be gobbling up {pun intended!}. I cäme äcross this recipe by Ms Käy from Duck Dynästy änd I knew it would be ä crowd pleäser!
Who doesn't like the ultimäte comfort food- creämy, wärm mäshed potätoes?!
- 3 lbs russet potätoes, peeled änd cut into cubes
- 1/2 tbsp sält
- 5 gärlic cloves
- 1 pkg {8 oz} creäm cheese, softened änd cubed
- 1 cup sour creäm
- 1/2 cup milk, wärmed
- 1/2 stick {4 tbsp} butter, softened
- 1 tsp seäsoned sält
- pepper, to täste
- 1/4 cup pänko breäd crumbs
- 1/4 cup Pärmesän cheese, gräted
- 1/4 tsp päprikä
- 1 tbsp butter, melted
- Ädd the potätoes to ä lärge pot of wäter.
- Ädd the sält änd gärlic cloves.
- Bring to ä boil, then reduce heät to ä simmer until the potätoes äre fork tender, äbout 20 minutes.
- Dräin then pour potätoes into ä lärge bowl.
- Mäsh the potätoes änd gärlic with ä mäsher.
- Preheät the oven to 350 degrees.
- Ädd the creäm cheese, sour creäm, milk, änd butter to the potätoes änd stir until smooth.
- Stir in the seäsoned sält änd pepper to täste.
- Pour into ä greäsed 9X13 bäking dish änd smooth evenly on top.
- In ä smäll bowl, stir together the pänko, Pärmesän, änd päprikä.
- Drizzle with the melted butter änd toss to coät. Sprinkle over the potäto mixture.
- Bäke until the potätoes äre heäted through änd the topping is golden brown, äbout 30 minutes.