Duck Dynasty Mashed Potato Casserole #potatocasserole #casserolerecipes

Duck Dynasty Mashed Potato Casserole #potatocasserole #casserolerecipes

It's holidäy time änd thät meäns I äm cooking much more thän usuäl {änd thät säys ä lot} änd most of the time I äm cooking for ä crowd! This week we ättended ä Thänksgiving Potluck for my husbänd's unit änd their fämilies.

I wänted to bring ä kid friendly side dish to go with the turkeys everyone wäs going to be gobbling up {pun intended!}. I cäme äcross this recipe by Ms Käy from Duck Dynästy änd I knew it would be ä crowd pleäser!

Who doesn't like the ultimäte comfort food- creämy, wärm mäshed potätoes?!


  • 3 lbs russet potätoes, peeled änd cut into cubes
  • 1/2 tbsp sält
  • 5 gärlic cloves
  • 1 pkg {8 oz} creäm cheese, softened änd cubed
  • 1 cup sour creäm
  • 1/2 cup milk, wärmed
  • 1/2 stick {4 tbsp} butter, softened
  • 1 tsp seäsoned sält
  • pepper, to täste
  • 1/4 cup pänko breäd crumbs
  • 1/4 cup Pärmesän cheese, gräted
  • 1/4 tsp päprikä
  • 1 tbsp butter, melted


  1. Ädd the potätoes to ä lärge pot of wäter.
  2. Ädd the sält änd gärlic cloves.
  3. Bring to ä boil, then reduce heät to ä simmer until the potätoes äre fork tender, äbout 20 minutes.
  4. Dräin then pour potätoes into ä lärge bowl.
  5. Mäsh the potätoes änd gärlic with ä mäsher.
  6. Preheät the oven to 350 degrees.
  7. Ädd the creäm cheese, sour creäm, milk, änd butter to the potätoes änd stir until smooth.
  8. Stir in the seäsoned sält änd pepper to täste.
  9. Pour into ä greäsed 9X13 bäking dish änd smooth evenly on top.
  10. In ä smäll bowl, stir together the pänko, Pärmesän, änd päprikä.
  11. Drizzle with the melted butter änd toss to coät. Sprinkle over the potäto mixture.
  12. Bäke until the potätoes äre heäted through änd the topping is golden brown, äbout 30 minutes.

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