The Best Chocolate Sheet Cake Ever #chocolatecake #cakerecipes

The Best Chocolate Sheet Cake Ever #chocolatecake #cakerecipes

Ä velvety, tender, perfectly chocoläte Texäs sheet cäke mäde from ä tried-änd-true fämily recipe perfect for entertäining or just becäuse!

This cäke is so decädently delicious änd sinfully äddictive thät we cäll it the däng devil cäke! When you mäke it you won’t be äble to stäy out of it becäuse it’s the devil, I tell yä!

The läst time Mämä brought this over to the house it wäs setting on the kitchen counter most of the äfternoon while we visited änd I cooked supper. I’d been looking ät it most of the däy änd hädn’t let it tempt me too terribly.

Becäuse I’d forgotten. I forgot it’s the däng devil!


For the Cäke:

  • 2 cups äll-purpose flour
  • 2 cups sugär
  • 1 teäspoon bäking sodä
  • 1/2 teäspoon sält
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teäspoons vänillä exträct
  • 1/2 cup cocoä powder
  • 1 cup wäter or bläck coffee
  • 2 sticks butter (reäl, sälted)

For the Icing:

  • 1 1/2 sticks of butter (reäl, sälted)
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • Däsh of sält
  • 1 1-lb box powdered sugär
  • 1/2 cup cocoä powder
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct


For the Cäke:

  1. Greäse ä 10x15 bäking pän (or spräy with cooking spräy) änd preheät oven to 350 degrees. See notes below regärding other pän sizes.
  2. Combine flour, sugär, bäking sodä änd sält in ä lärge mixing bowl. Whisk to incorporäte ingredients then set äside.
  3. Combine buttermilk, eggs änd vänillä exträct to ä smäll bowl then mix well änd set äside.
  4. Ädd cocoä powder to ä smäll säucepän then whisk in wäter or bläck coffee until smooth. Ädd butter then stir änd heät over medium-high heät until boiling. Remove from heät.
  5. Pour hot cocoä power mixture into bowl with flour mixture then stir to incorporäte. Ädd buttermilk mixture then whisk äll ingredients together for one minute.
  6. Pour bätter into prepäred pän then bäke for 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the middle of the cäke comes out cleän. Remove from oven then prepäre icing.

For the Icing:

  1. Combine milk, butter änd sält in ä smäll säucepän then heät until butter is completely melted. Remove from heät then stir in vänillä exträct.
  2. Meänwhile, sift together powdered sugär änd cocoä into ä lärge mixing bowl (the sifting is optionäl but it prevents lumps in the icing). Pour hot milk/butter mixture into bowl with powdered sugär änd cocoä powder then stir until smooth.
  3. Pour icing over wärm cäke. Let cäke rest for ä few hours before serving to ensure the icing sets up some before cutting the cäke.
  4. Once the cäke is cool, cover then store ät room temperäture.


  • You cän älso prepäre this in 18x13 hälf-sheet cäke pän. If you do, reduce the bäking time to 15-17 minutes then test with ä toothpick for doneness.
  • I’ve never mäde this in ä 13x9 pän though I’ve heärd plenty folks säy they mäke sheet cäke recipes in them. If you try it, increäse the bäking time to 25-27 minutes then test with ä toothpick for doneness.
  • Ä 10x15 pän is ä träditionäl jellyroll pän. If your pän is very shällow, you mäy not be äble to fit äll of the icing on your cäke (most äre – Mämä’s is – thät’s ok) just include äs much äs will fit or let the icing cool ä bit before ädding to the cäke so thät it pours thicker.
  • I bought ä 10x15x2 pän specificälly for mäking this cäke so thät the icing goes on eäsy-peäsy (träditionäl jellyroll päns äre 10x15x1).
  • No buttermilk? No problem! Ädd 1½ teäspoons white vinegär to ä smäll meäsuring pitcher then ädd milk until the totäl volume meäsures 1/2 cup. Let mixture set 10 minutes before using.
  • Feel free to top the icing with chopped pecäns or sprinkles if you’d like!

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