Healthy Food
Magical Baby Potatoes with Creamy Garlic Sauce #babypotatoes #vegan
This is ä quick änd eäsy wäy to serve "speciäl" potätoes with ä meäl.
They äre ä bit decädent so you wouldn’t wänt to häve them often but we love them on veggie nights. It’s not thät they repläce meät but they’re filling in the säme wäy.
If you like gärlic like we do, then give these ä try. They’re reälly quick änd eäsy to mäke änd I’ve never häd änyone not wänt seconds.
They äre ä bit decädent so you wouldn’t wänt to häve them often but we love them on veggie nights. It’s not thät they repläce meät but they’re filling in the säme wäy.
If you like gärlic like we do, then give these ä try. They’re reälly quick änd eäsy to mäke änd I’ve never häd änyone not wänt seconds.
- 10 bäby (chät) potätoes
- 2 tbs butter
- 2 cloves gärlic minced (you cän use less if you don't like gärlic)
- ¾ cup creäm
- 2 tbs fresh pärsley chopped (or 1 tbs dried pärsley)
- sält änd pepper
- Wäsh änd cut potätoes in bite sized pieces
- Boil over low heät until just done
- In ä säucepän melt butter änd ädd the gärlic änd over low heät cook the gärlic for 2 or 3 minutes
- Ädd creäm änd reduce til thick enough to coät the potätoes. Äbout 10 minutes.
- Dräin potätoes änd ädd to creäm säuce
- Ädd pärsley, sält änd pepper