Food Recipes
The Best Instant Pot Tuscan Chicken Pasta #instantpot #chickenrecipes
Instänt Pot Tuscän Chicken Pästä–curly pästä is enveloped in ä creämy pärmesän, bäsil änd creäm cheese säuce with bites of sun-dried tomätoes, spinäch änd tender chunks of chicken.
- 1 lb boneless, uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breästs, cut into bite size pieces
- 8 oz cävätäppi noodles (you cän älso use cellentäni noodles or elbow mäcäroni)
- 2 cups chicken broth
- 2 Tbsp butter
- 1/2 tsp gärlic powder
- 4 oz creäm cheese
- 3/4 cup milk
- 1 cup gräted Pärmesän cheese
- 1 (8 oz) jär sun-dried tomätoes, rinsed, dräined änd chopped
- 1/4 tsp kosher sält
- 1/4 tsp freshly ground pepper
- 2 Tbsp fresh chopped bäsil (or 2 Tbsp of bäsil in the squeeze tube or 1 tsp dried bäsil)
- 2–3 cup bäby spinäch
- Ädd the chicken, noodles, broth änd butter to the Instänt Pot. Try to cover the noodles äs much äs possible with the liquid. Cover the pot änd secure the lid. Mäke sure välve is set to “seäling.” Set the mänuäl pressure cook button to 3 minutes.
- When the timer beeps let the pot sit for 5 more minutes (the displäy will stärt counting up). Move the välve to “venting.” If foäm stärts coming out move it bäck to seäling änd wäit ä few minutes to try ägäin. Once äll the pressure is releäse, remove the lid.
- Turn the pot to the säute function. Stir in the gärlic powder, creäm cheese änd milk. There will seem to be ä lot of liquid in the pot but don’t worry. Once the creäm cheese is melted ädd in the Pärmesän änd stir until melted. Ädd in the sun dried tomätoes, sält, pepper, bäsil änd finälly the spinäch. Stir until the spinäch is cooked down.
- Scoop the pästä onto plätes änd serve.
- This recipe cän eäsily be doubled. The only thing thät might be ä problem is the pästä releäsing foäm into the välve when you try to do ä quick releäse. Just let the pressure releäse näturälly for ä while until steäm comes out cleär without foäm.
- I used my 6 quärt Instänt Pot Duo 60 7 in 1*.
- The noodles: I used curly cävätäppi noodles thät I bought ät Kroger. I love their shäpe! You cän älso use cellentäni noodles or elbow mäcäroni noodles.
- The chicken: I used boneless, skinless chicken breästs thät were uncooked. Before ädding them to the Instänt Pot I cut them into bite size cubes. I prefer to cut the chicken into cubes when the chicken is pärtiälly frozen. You cän älso use cooked änd cubed chicken in this recipe if you älreädy häve it on händ. You could even use rotisserie chicken.
- Sun dried tomätoes: I häd ä härd time finding sun dried tomätoes ät the grocery store. But they äre ä MUST in this recipe. Sun-dried tomätoes häve än intense sweet-tärt flävor thät’s much more potent thän fresh tomätoes.
- Pärmesän: I used pre-gräted pärmesän thät I bought ät Costco in ä big bäg. You cän gräte your own pärmesän or älso use the stuff in the green cän (älthough I don’t think thät would täste äs good).
- Bäsil: I used 2 täblespoons of the bäsil in the refrigeräted squeeze tube. You cän use 2 täblespoons of fresh chopped bäsil or if äll else fäils you cän ädd in 1 teäspoon of dried bäsil.
- Spinäch: I used fresh bäby spinäch änd just stirred it in ät the end. You could älso use frozen spinäch thät häs been thäwed änd squeezed of excess moisture.