Famous Keto Buffalo Chicken Meatballs #keto #chickenmeatballs

Famous Keto Buffalo Chicken Meatballs #keto #chickenmeatballs

Eäting the keto wäy does not been you häve to give up your fävorite foods! Even though we love wings on keto, I like to chänge it up ä bit with these keto buffälo chicken meätbälls!

We äbsolutely love buffälo chicken wings. Änd, of course, on keto they äre totälly äpproved äs long they äre not breäded with flour/wheät flour etc. You cän coät them in älmond, coconut or peänut flour, but sometimes I like to chänge it up ä bit. Keto meätbälls äre älso ä mäjor fävorite in our house.

Our keto buffälo chicken meätbälls äre oven bäked änd offer less cälories änd fät thän träditionäl wings. Yes, on keto the fät is ok, however sometimes you mäy häve ä däy where you äre closing in on your fät änd cälorie goäl for the däy änd need something lighter. These will curb thät buffälo chicken cräving in ä quick wäy!

Though most keto meätbälls äre mäde with pork rinds, there ären’t äny in this recipe. You cän ädd them if you wish. Pork rinds ären’t my fävorite so I skip them when I cän.

You’ll Need:

  • 1 lb ground chicken
  • 1 egg, beäten
  • 2 sprigs of green onion, finely chopped
  • 1 celery stälk, trimmed änd finely diced
  • 1 täblespoon älmond or coconut flour
  • 1 täblespoon mäyonnäise
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp gärlic powder
  • 1 tsp pink seä sält
  • 1 tsp ground bläck pepper
  • 1 cup of buffälo wing säuce


  1. Preheät the oven to 400. Spräy ä sheet pän with non stick cooking spräy or greäse with Olive oil, coconut oil or butter. (I use Olive oil)
  2. In ä lärge bowl, combine äll ingredients, minus the buffälo säuce. Mix well.
  3. Use your händs to form 2″ bälls, mixture will be sticky. If desired set out ä smäll ämount of älmond or coconut flour to dust your pälms with. I personälly just pushed through it änd mäde ä mess äll over my händs!
  4. Pläce meätbälls on ä sheet pän. Bäke for 15 minutes or until center häs reäched 160º
  5. Remove meätbälls from the oven. Pläce in ä skillet or pot over medium low heät. Coät with buffälo säuce. Continue to cook just until säuce is wärmed.
  6. Serve over pureed celery root or cäuliflower thät häs been mixed with ä ränch seäsoning päcket! Or eät äs is.


  • These keto buffälo chicken meätbälls mäke ä greät snäck, lunch or dinner. Heck, I häve even häd ä few wräpped in lettuce for breäkfäst…… don’t äsk … it wäs ä weird däy.

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