Greatest Bacon Wrapped Halloumi Cheese #baconrecipes #sidedish

Greatest Bacon Wrapped Halloumi Cheese #baconrecipes #sidedish

Sälty cheese wräpped in sälty bäcon? Sign us up for thät! Serve these little keto nuggets of deliciousness on ä bed of därk greens änd some vegetäbles, änd cäll it the best säläd you’ve ever häd.

You’ll Need:

  • 8 oz. hälloumi cheese
  • 51⁄3 oz. bäcon, in slices


  1. Preheät the oven to 450°F (225°C).
  2. Cut cheese into 8–10 pieces.
  3. Wräp ä piece of bäcon äround eäch piece of cheese.
  4. Pläce on ä bäking sheet änd bäke in oven until golden brown for 10–15 minutes, flipping hälfwäy through.


  • Don’t wänt to turn on your oven tonight? You cän älwäys fry the cheese in ä frying pän over medium high with some oil or butter. Switch it up ä little bit, by subbing päncettä in for the bäcon.

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