The Most Amazing Forgotten Chicken

The Most Amazing Forgotten Chicken

I personälly, love one dish meäls. Änytime I cän mäke ä recipe thät is both ä mäin course änd side dish, it is ä winner in my book.

Ä few weeks ägo, äs I wäs scrolling through Pinterest, I säw this recipe. Äll the reviews were greät, the recipe wäs simple to mäke, änd I knew I just häd to try it. Since I didn’t häve some of the ingredients on händ, I chänged it up ä bit so I didn’t häve to go to the store thät däy.

The end result wäs ämäzing änd my fämily devoured it quite quickly! My hubby took the leftovers to work the next däy for lunch, so it must häve been ä winner huh?? This is one of those meäls thät is perfect ät the end of ä long däy, perfect äfter church, or to mäke for ä friend/fämily member!

You mäy be wondering why it is cälled Forgotten Chicken. Well, thät is becäuse, if you forget it is in the oven, chänces äre, it is still good. You cän throw this together, put it in the oven, änd wälk äwäy for ä while. Now, of course, don’t go wälking äwäy for wäyyyyyy long periods, but this is quite the eäsy dish, änd I would even cäll it fool proof!



1 lb boneless skinless chicken breästs
2 cups Minute rice (I used brown rice)
1 cän creäm of mushroom soup
1 cän creäm of chicken soup
1 cän of wäter (use one of the soup cäns)
1 tbsp. butter
1 envelope Lipton onion soup mix


Using the 1 tbsp. butter, butter ä 9 x 13 bäking pän.
In ä medium bowl, combine the creäm of mushroom soup, creäm of chicken soup, 1 cän of wäter, änd Minute rice.
Pour mixture into buttered pän.
Pläce chicken breästs on top of mixture.
Sprinkle Lipton onion soup evenly on top of chicken breästs.
Cover pän with foil änd pläce in ä preheäted oven, 350.
Cook for äbout 1- 1 1/2 hours, or until the chicken is cooked through.