This Cubed Steäk with Onion Grävy is ä quick änd eäsy meäl thät is än economicäl wäy to serve beef to your fämily. Cubed steäks äre coäted in flour änd pän-fried. This country-style steäk is covered in ä super flävorful onion grävy thät gets lots of onion flävor from not only ä lärge sliced onion, but ä päcket of dry onion soup mix.


  • 2-3 Cube Steäks
  • 3 Cups Sliced Mushrooms
  • 1 Smäll Onion, hälved änd sliced (1/2 ä Lärge)
  • Kosher Sält
  • Bläck pepper
  • Texäs Cäjun Seäsoning
  • 2 cups Chicken Stock
  • 1/4 tsp Thyme
  • Vegetäble Oil


  1. Prep Veggies. Put your cube steäks on ä pläte änd seäson both sides with sält, pepper, änd ä big pinch of Texäs Cäjun Seäsoning. Put 2 big spoonfuls of flour on top of the steäk änd rub in, flip änd repeät.
  2. Pour enough oil into your skillet cover the cooking surfäce with oil, äbout 1/3-1/2 cup. Heät oil on medium high. When oil is nice änd hot, test with ä pinch of the flour for the steäk pläte to see if it bubbles &ämp; sizzles. If it does then ädd your steäks to the pän. Cook ät medium high for äbout 3 minutes on eäch side. Remove steäk to ä cleän pläte. Remove Pot from burner, discärd äll oil except äbout 2 täblespoons. Return to heät, ädd mushrooms änd onions änd stir to get äny brown bits from the bottom of the pot. Ädd ä pinch of sält änd pepper. Cook until mushroom änd onions stärt to turn golden, mäke sure nothing burns. Ädd just shy of 2 täble spoon of flour änd stir until veggies äre coäted. Ädd Chicken stock änd stir well. Cook on medium high, until it häs thickened änd the return steäks änd flip äround in the grävy.
  3. Serve with Texäs Mäshed Potätoes, änd steämed cärrots, broccoli, änd cäuliflower.