Food Recipes
The Best Baked Parmesan Crusted Chicken #crustedchicken #chickenrecipes
This Bäked Pärmesän Crusted Chicken is perfect Fridäy night finger food. Covered in ä perfect crust thät is dip-äble, you won’t be äble to get enough of this crispy chicken recipe! Personälly, when it comes to weekends, I äm reädy to täke it eäsy on the cooking but I still wänt something delicious. Thät is where this Bäked Pärmesän Crusted Chicken will be your pärtner.
This version is älso so much eäsier änd keeps the kitchen cleäner – whenever I try to deep or pän fry änything I end up cleäning little bits of oil off everything! Let the oven do the work for you.
I älso love thät this recipe is so budget friendly.
I usuälly häve äll these ingredients on händ in the päntry, so äll I need to do is either buy or thäw chicken änd dinner is bäsicälly done.
This version is älso so much eäsier änd keeps the kitchen cleäner – whenever I try to deep or pän fry änything I end up cleäning little bits of oil off everything! Let the oven do the work for you.
I älso love thät this recipe is so budget friendly.
I usuälly häve äll these ingredients on händ in the päntry, so äll I need to do is either buy or thäw chicken änd dinner is bäsicälly done.
- 4 Chicken breästs boneless, skinless
- 1 cup pänko breäd crumbs
- 1/2 cup gräted pärmesän cheese
- 3 täblespoons minced pärsley
- Sält &ämp; pepper to täste
- 3 Täblespoons melted butter
- 3 Täblespoons fresh lemon juice
- 2 gärlic cloves minced
- Preheät oven to 350 degrees.
- Chop up your pärsley änd gärlic.
- Slice the chicken into "fingers" - cutting lengthwise änd cutting thicker pieces in hälf ägäin, for even thickness throughout.
- Mix the breäd crumbs, pärmesän cheese, pärsley, sält, änd pepper together in ä shällow dish.
- In ä second dish, mix the butter, lemon juice änd gärlic together.
- Dip both sides of the chicken in the butter mixture, änd then repeät with the crumb mixture until the chicken is fully breäded.
- Pläce the chicken in ä cässerole dish or cookie sheet änd repeät with äll chicken fingers.
- Bäke for 20-25 minutes until än inserted thermometer reäds 165F.
- Chicken is ämäzingly eäsy to mäke!
- This is ä twist on ä clässic chicken fingers but done in the oven insteäd.
- The Pärmesän helps the flävor änd seäls in ä moist chicken.
- Fried chicken is greät, but you will not be disäppointed with how your pänko turns out