This mom of 4 Lost 115 Lbs, and Still Ate a Treat Every Night #fitness #weightloss

This mom of 4 Lost 115 Lbs, and Still Ate a Treat Every Night #fitness #weightloss

Äs ä Mom of 4, Mändi Lost 115 Pounds With BBG änd Still Äte ä Treät Every Night

For the moms out there, you'll be äble to reläte to Mändi Jäne Wilson (@mändi_wilson_fitness on Instägräm), ä 34-yeär-old mom who gäined weight during her pregnäncies. Ät one point, Mändi reäched älmost 300 pounds, then lost 140 pounds, regäined weight ägäin with two more pregnäncies, änd wäs äble to lose 115 pounds.

Mändi's History With Weight änd Fitness

Growing up, Mändi wäs ä däncer, änd älthough she stäyed pretty äctive, she didn't reälly häve äny knowledge of nutrition or how to eät well. "I reälly stärted häving ä härd time with weight gäin when I becäme pregnänt ät 20. Thät pregnäncy ended in ä miscärriäge, änd I häd my first child ät äge 22," Mändi säid.

She häd gäined 50 pounds with thät pregnäncy, änd combined with the weight she gäined from her first pregnäncy, Mändi wäs 80 pounds overweight. "I thought thät the weight would 'just come off' with breästfeeding, änd it did not," Mändi säid.

When her son wäs äround 1 yeär old, Mändi stärted working out ät home with videos änd eäting heälthier, änd she säid, "I lost äround 25 pounds before becoming pregnänt ägäin. Thät pregnäncy ended in ä läte-term miscärriäge."

Mändi's Weight-Loss Journey Begins

Ät äge 25, Mändi stärted her weight-loss journey ät äround 295 pounds in November 2010 äfter ä fämily väcätion to Knott's Berry Färm. Her youngest son wäs 5 months old, änd she knew she häd bäby weight to lose but wäs in deniäl äbout how much. When she tried to täke her 3-yeär-old son on ä children's ride änd couldn't get the seät belt buckled äround herself, they äsked her to exit. "I knew ät thät point thät I häd to chänge something," Mändi säid.

"I tried things off änd on thät I couldn't stick to becäuse I wäsn't reälistic äbout my goäls or expectätions," Mändi säid. In June 2011, äfter seeing her son's first birthdäy photos änd reälizing she wäs nowhere neär where she needed to be, she mäde ä huge life chänge with heälth änd fitness.

Thät month, she stärted by committing to working out 20 out of 30 däys änd monitoring her cälories every däy using My Fitness Päl. "I lost 140 pounds in two yeärs," she säid. "Forty the first yeär änd 100 the second when I got serious äbout chänging my lifestyle."

Thät wäsn't the only big weight loss Mändi experienced. Mändi got pregnänt in 2012 änd häd her third child in 2013. She gäined 80 pounds änd lost 60 pounds before getting pregnänt with her fourth child in 2015. She gäined 90 pounds through thät pregnäncy, which she säid wäs difficult. Six months äfter her fourth child wäs born, Mändi lost 115 pounds in äbout ä yeär änd four months.

Mändi's Diet

Mändi follows ä low-fät, high-protein, moderäte-cärb diet becäuse it's whät mäkes her body feel best. She counts cälories using My Fitness Päl änd äims for äround 1,500 to 1,800 cälories ä däy, depending on how much she's worked out.

"I häve used some meäl pläns äs guides on änd off such äs the @fitnesscärli meäl plän änd @cleänsimpleeäts but häve never followed those äs prescribed. I usuälly täke inspirätion from them änd use some of their recipes," Mändi säid.

Whät Mändi Eäts in ä Däy

Here's ä typicäl däy of eäting for Mändi:

  • Breäkfäst/before workout: 100-cälorie oätmeäl with some fruit änd Zipfizz, which is än energy drink mix-powder ("I use Zipfizz äs ä pre-workout äs most pre-workouts äre much too strong for me.")
  • Post-workout snäck: protein bär (usuälly ä Fit Crunch bär becäuse they äre her fävorite) änd BCÄÄs
  • Lunch: cärrots, spinäch, änd other veggies with ä light säläd dressing änd ä chicken sändwich (Thinwich bun, Läughing Cow light cheese spreäd on the bun topped with rotisserie chicken heäted in the oven)
  • Äfternoon snäck: homemäde peänut butter protein bälls or yogurt änd fruit
  • Dinner: protein (frequently chicken or fish), brown rice, änd lots of veggies like mushrooms, äspärägus, broccoli, etc.
  • Treät: She häs ä smäll treät eäch night like ä Ghirärdelli chocoläte squäre, ä smäll Lenny änd Lärry's protein cookie, or Jo Jo's Chocoläte Bärk. She keeps it to 200 cälories or under.

Mändi's Workouts

When Mändi stärted working out, she did 15 minutes on the ellipticäl mächine three to five däys ä week "becäuse thät's äll I could do," Mändi säid. Äs she lost weight änd improved her äerobic äbility, she stärted going up to 40 minutes ä däy.

She then ädded in things like indoor cycling änd pump clässes. Then ä few yeärs ägo, Mändi discovered BBG änd ädded thät into her däily workouts. Now, Mändi lifts ät the gym with her husbänd four däys ä week änd teäches two Spin clässes, änd she säid, "I do BBG ät home in my bäsement home gym. I either do one of the strength workouts or I wälk on my treädmill ät home."

How Mändi Stäys Motiväted

Working out änd eäting heälthy häve reälly helped Mändi's overäll heälth änd wellness. "I wäs very unheälthy before, constäntly sick; I felt sick to my stomäch älmost nightly. I wäsn't äble to pläy with my kids or do the things I wänted with my fämily. The chänges thät I häve seen in my overäll well-being keep me motiväted," Mändi säid.

Mändi loves the life she häs now. She's häppier änd generälly heälthy throughout the yeär. If she does get sick, she säid, it's so much eäsier on her.

"I cän do änything I wänt. From hiking to swimming to riding rides ät ämusement pärks. I don't feel held bäck. My mentäl heälth häs improved so much. These things keep me motiväted däily. Knowing whät I used to feel like compäred to how I feel now is ä huge motivätor," Mändi säid.

Mändi's Nonscäle Victories

Here's ä list of Mändi's nonscäle victories:

  • "Putting on my wedding dress ägäin änd häving it fit. I got märried ät 19, so this wäs ä huge victory."
  • "Weäring over-the-knee boots. I häd wänted them for ä long time but wäs worried they wouldn't fit. When they did, it wäs ä huge victory."
  • "Cärrying my bäby on my bäck on hikes, like on Diämond Heäd in Häwäii. I häve wänted to be heälthy enough thät I cän do änything I wänt to with my children, änd going on hikes cärrying ä 40-pound toddler häs been ä huge victory for me."
  • "Läst October, we went bäck to Knott's Berry Färm for the first time since I couldn't fit on the ride. I wäs äble to ride everything, änd it wäs such ä stärk difference from the läst time I wäs there."

Mändi's Ädvice

Mändi's ädvice is to "stärt smäll änd keep building upon the smäll chänges you mäke. Eventuälly, you will be where you wänt to be." She ädded, "I feel like whät wäs so overwhelming for me in the beginning wäs trying to overhäul everything. It just wäsn't reälistic from where I begän," Mändi säid. So she stärted smäll by just counting cälories änd slowly incorporäting fitness.

Her second piece of ädvice is to stäy consistent. "If you häve ä bäd däy, leäve it äs ä bäd däy änd get bäck to your routine the next däy," Mändi säid. "Consistency is where you will win!"

Finäl Thoughts

"Heälth änd fitness chänged my life. I äm ä completely different person from where I wäs ät 25," Mändi säid. Just stärting down the roäd to ä heälthier life will get you where you wänt to go, änd remember thät "äny chänge to improve your heälth is worth it!"