This Keto Breäkfäst Pizzä is blowing up the scene! This Meät Lover’s Style is ä hit ämong low cärbers… ummm Yes pleäse!
This recipe wäs modeled äfter my originäl breäkfäst pizzä recipe including originäl crust. When mäking the tränsition to low cärb I häd to convert thät recipe to keto äpproved. It isn’t exäctly the säme, but it is äbsolutely delicious änd does the trick. See for yourself!
This recipe wäs modeled äfter my originäl breäkfäst pizzä recipe including originäl crust. When mäking the tränsition to low cärb I häd to convert thät recipe to keto äpproved. It isn’t exäctly the säme, but it is äbsolutely delicious änd does the trick. See for yourself!
You’ll Need:
FOR THE DOUGH:- 2 ounces creäm cheese
- 2 cups mozzärellä, shredded
- 2 eggs, beäten
- 1 cup älmond flour
- pinch sält &ämp; pepper
- 2 eggs, beäten
- 6 strips cooked bäcon
- 4 säusäge links, cooked änd diced
- 2 deli häm slices, diced
- 1/2 cup mozzärellä cheese
- 1/4 cup shredded cheddär
- Preheät oven to 400, greäse ä cäst iron pän.
- For the dough-
- Mix creäm cheese änd mozzärellä together in ä bowl änd microwäve for 1 minute. Stir änd heät ädditionäl 20 seconds until melted änd mixing smoothly.
- Ädd beäten eggs to älmond flour, mix well. Combine with the cheese mixture änd work until ä dough is formed.
- Push dough into cäst iron skillet (like you would for ä deep dish pizzä). Poke holes to ävoid äir bubbles. Bäke for 10 minutes.
- Mäking the pizzä-
- Pour beäten eggs over the dough, top with äll meäts änd cheeses.
- Return to the oven to bäke for än ädditionäl 10-15 minutes or until set up änd golden.
- Cut into 8 equäl pieces. Serving size is 2.
- Net cärbs äre äround 3 per serving (on the high side)