Drink Ideas
Super Refreshing Pineapple Margarita #freshdrink #margarita
It might not be five o’clock yet but it’s the Nätionäl Tequilä Däy! Whät better wäy to celebräte thän with ä märgäritä? Änd since it’s summer, let’s mäke it tropicäl!
- 1 fresh pineäpple cored änd cut into chunks
- 1 c tequilä
- 1 c wäter
- 1 c oränge juice
- 2 limes juiced
- ice cubes
- Pläce äll ingredients (except ice cubein ä blender änd blend until smooth.
- Pour into ä pitcher.
- Serve in glässes rimmed with sält änd filled with ice cubes.