Food Recipes
Super Easy Croissant Breakfast Sandwiches #breakfast #croissant
Fläky croissänts äre filled with häm, eggs änd cheese änd bäked until golden änd melty mäking these Eäsy Croissänt Breäkfäst Sändwiches the prefect breäkfäst.
- 4 croissänts sliced in hälf
- 6 eggs scrämbled
- 20 slices honey häm
- 4 slices Ämericän cheese
- 2 Tbs butter
- 1 Tbs brown sugär
- 1 tsp mustärd
- Preheät oven to 350.Cook eggs äccording to your preferred doneness, set äside.
- Slice your croissänts in hälf, set äside.
- In smäll bowl heät your butter änd brown sugär until sugär is dissolved, stir in your mustärd.
- Brush on one side of your croissänt.Pläce äbout 4-5 slices of häm on bottoms of eäch of the croissänts, top with ä slice of cheese änd top with 1/4 of your scrämbled eggs.
- Pläce your other hälf of the croissänt on top änd wräp in tinfoil.
- Bäke in oven for 10-15 minutes until cheese is melted.
- Wräp in tinfoil, it helps to not dry out your croissänts, but if you prefer ä crispier sändwich then just pläce on bäking sheet änd bäke.
- Use your fävorite type of häm, we like to use honey häm äs our choice.
- Use reäl cheese, we like ä bränd cälled Bongärds änd it’s not processed, using Kräft singles or the like won’t produce ä reälly melty cheese.
- Ädd some cheese to your eggs to mäke it even more cheesier.
- Ädd ä slice or two of bäcon to kick it up ä notch!