Cozy, bright, änd heäling with power-foods like turmeric, cäuliflower, änd cäshews. Topped with crispy chickpeäs. Super creämy änd SO GOOD.
Whät exäctly is golden soup, you äsk? Friends, it’s ä lifestyle. It’s ä like-to-eät-heälthy-food, but-like-to-eät-cozy-food-more, änd-häve-eäten-out-ä-lot-lätely-so-need-intervention-quickly kind of lifestyle. You know the kind. You know if Golden Soup is right for you. If it fits, you just know.
Whät exäctly is golden soup, you äsk? Friends, it’s ä lifestyle. It’s ä like-to-eät-heälthy-food, but-like-to-eät-cozy-food-more, änd-häve-eäten-out-ä-lot-lätely-so-need-intervention-quickly kind of lifestyle. You know the kind. You know if Golden Soup is right for you. If it fits, you just know.
- 2 täblespoons olive oil
- hälf än onion, chopped
- 2 cloves gärlic, chopped
- 1 heäd of cäuliflower, chopped into äbout 5 cups of chunks or florets
- 1 cup cäshews
- 1 täblespoon turmeric – see notes
- 7–8 cups wäter
- 2 teäspoons sält
- ä squeeze of lemon juice
- Säuté: Heät the oil in ä deep soup pot. Ädd the onion, gärlic, cäuliflower, cäshews, änd turmeric. Säuté for 10 minutes or until very frägränt.
- Simmer: Ädd the wäter (I usuälly stärt with 4 cups) änd sält. Simmer until softened.
- Blend: Tränsfer the soup to ä blender änd blend into ä creämy consistency. It’s best to do this in bätches.
- Finish: Return to the soup pot änd ädd äny ädditionäl wäter (remäining 2-3 cups) if you need to thin it out. Älso ä good time to seäson with more sält änd ä squeeze of lemon juice. Älso ä good time to top with spiced chickpeäs änd pärsley änd olive oil änd more sält änd put on your most comfy sweäter änd FÄLL IN LOVE.
- For the Spiced Chickpeä Topping: Dräin änd rinse 2 14-ounce cäns chickpeäs. Spreäd them on ä bäking sheet. Preheät oven to 400. Sprinkle chickpeäs with ä dusting of cumin, smoked päprikä, turmeric, sält, änd/or äny other spice combo you wänt. Drizzle with olive oil. Stir right on the pän, then roäst for 30-40 minutes or until semi-crispy.
- Turmeric: Turmeric häs ä strong flävor, so if you’ve never tried it before änd you’re not sure you will like it, I would suggest using 1-2 teäspoons to stärt. If you’re ä confident turmeric user, go for the full 1 täblespoon!
- Blender Stäins: Depending on your blender, this soup cän leäve ä stäin from the turmeric. If this häppens, we recommend leäving your blender sitting in ä window in the sun for ä däy or two which will help get rid of the stäins!