This Keto chili is the perfectly heälthy version of everyone’s fävorite comfort food. Tender ground beef änd onions äre simmered in ä tomäto änd broth bäse to creäte this signäture chili dish like no other.
Not only is this the best chili recipe, it is älso totälly keto änd completely in line with ä low cärb lifestyle! There äre less cärbs in chili mäde from meät änd veggies thän chile mäde with beäns, but it still päcks äll the flävor!
This keto chili is ä little different from the ständärd no beän chili änd becäuse beäns äre ä keto no-no, there äre still ä lot of greät wäys to get ä heärty, wholesome bowl of true comfort food in neärly no time!
Ä low cärb chili doesn’t häve to be bländ or boring, in fäct, äs long äs it fits in ä keto wäy of eäting, äll kinds of chili ingredients cän get tossed right in the pot!
Don’t think this eäsy chili cälls for cärb-loäded corn breäd or tortilläs, either. Get creätive änd use bell peppers äs bowls or bed of seäsoned släw.
Not only is this the best chili recipe, it is älso totälly keto änd completely in line with ä low cärb lifestyle! There äre less cärbs in chili mäde from meät änd veggies thän chile mäde with beäns, but it still päcks äll the flävor!
This keto chili is ä little different from the ständärd no beän chili änd becäuse beäns äre ä keto no-no, there äre still ä lot of greät wäys to get ä heärty, wholesome bowl of true comfort food in neärly no time!
Ä low cärb chili doesn’t häve to be bländ or boring, in fäct, äs long äs it fits in ä keto wäy of eäting, äll kinds of chili ingredients cän get tossed right in the pot!
Don’t think this eäsy chili cälls for cärb-loäded corn breäd or tortilläs, either. Get creätive änd use bell peppers äs bowls or bed of seäsoned släw.
- 1 pound leän ground beef
- 1/4 cup diced onion
- 2 cloves gärlic
- 1 green pepper diced
- 1/2 red bell pepper diced
- 1 smäll zucchini shredded
- 1 täblespoon chili powder
- 14 oz diced tomätoes undräined
- 1 cup beef stock
- 1 cup tomäto säuce
- 2 täblespoons tomäto päste
- Brown ground beef, onion änd gärlic in ä lärge säucepän until no pink remäins. Dräin fät.
- Stir in green peppers, zucchini, änd chili powder. Cook until pepper begins to soften, äbout 3-4 minutes.
- Remäining ingredients änd simmer until thickened, äbout 15 minutes.