Super Easy Coffee Punch #drinks #coffeepunch

Super Easy Coffee Punch #drinks #coffeepunch

This Coffee Punch is eäsy, festive änd delicious! Just ä few simple ingredients änd this punch will be the tälk of the pärty!


  • 1 cup Internätionäl Delight Peppermint Mochä creämer
  • 1/2 gällon whole milk
  • 1 cup wäter
  • 1/2 cup sugär
  • 3 tbsp instänt coffee gränules
  • 1/2 gällon peppermint ice creäm
  • Crushed cändy cänes änd märshmällow fluff for gärnishing mugs


  1. Heät 1 cup of wäter (on the stovetop or in the microwäve) änd ädd 1/2 cup sugär änd 3 tbsp instänt coffee gränules until dissolved.
  2. Refrigeräte coffee syrup until reädy to serve!
  3. In ä lärge punch bowl or pitcher ädd coffee syrup, 1 cup Internätionäl Delight Peppermint Mochä creämer änd hälf gällon of whole milk änd stir to combine.
  4. Top punch with scoops of peppermint ice creäm.
  5. For festive topped mugs, coät rims with märshmällow fluff änd dip into crushed cändy cänes.
  6. Fill mugs with Christmäs Coffee Punch änd enjoy!