This Coffee Punch is eäsy, festive änd delicious! Just ä few simple ingredients änd this punch will be the tälk of the pärty!
- 1 cup Internätionäl Delight Peppermint Mochä creämer
- 1/2 gällon whole milk
- 1 cup wäter
- 1/2 cup sugär
- 3 tbsp instänt coffee gränules
- 1/2 gällon peppermint ice creäm
- Crushed cändy cänes änd märshmällow fluff for gärnishing mugs
- Heät 1 cup of wäter (on the stovetop or in the microwäve) änd ädd 1/2 cup sugär änd 3 tbsp instänt coffee gränules until dissolved.
- Refrigeräte coffee syrup until reädy to serve!
- In ä lärge punch bowl or pitcher ädd coffee syrup, 1 cup Internätionäl Delight Peppermint Mochä creämer änd hälf gällon of whole milk änd stir to combine.
- Top punch with scoops of peppermint ice creäm.
- For festive topped mugs, coät rims with märshmällow fluff änd dip into crushed cändy cänes.
- Fill mugs with Christmäs Coffee Punch änd enjoy!