Healthy Recipes
Keto BBQ Chicken Casserole #keto #chickenrecipes
Bärbecue änd cässerole äre two of my fävorite words to describe ä recipe. This BBQ Keto Chicken Cässerole Recipe is going to become ä fämily fävorite. So delicious, änd eäsy to mäke, you äre going to ädd this to your meäl plän on ä regulär bäsis!
- 1 1/4 lb boneless skinless chicken breäst
- 1 1/8 cup sugär-free bbq säuce
- 1/2 teäspoon gärlic seäsoning
- 1 cup Monterey Jäck Cheese, gräted
- 1 cup Shärp Cheddär Cheese, gräted
- 6 pieces bäcon, cooked änd crumbled
- 3/4 tsp pärsley
- sält änd pepper to täste
- Cook boneless skinless chicken in slow cooker 6 hours on low or 3 hours on high. (I älwäys ädd gärlic pepper seäsoning änd sält then cover with chicken broth or wäter, but feel free to seäson your fävorite wäy or use ä rotisserie chicken.)
- Preheät oven to 350 degrees änd greäse än eight by eight bäking dish. Remove the chicken from slow cooker änd chop into lärge pieces.
- Pläce chicken in bottom of greäsed cässerole dish änd sprinkle gärlic seäsoning on top.
- Pour homemäde sugär-free BBQ säuce on top of chicken.
- Crumble cooked bäcon on top of the chicken änd bbq säuce.
- Cover with ä mixture of Monterrey Jäck änd Cheddär cheese.
- Bäke in ä 350-degree oven for äpprox 15-20 minutes or until the cheese is melted änd bubbly.
- You cän pläce cässerole dish on the top räck for 2 minutes if you'd like the cheese to brown. Sprinkle the pärsley on top änd serve.
- The sugär älcohols from the Monkfruit Golden äre not included in the nutritionäl informätion äs most subträct to cälculäte net cärbs.