How to Use Colgate and Vaseline to Get Rid of Dark Spots On The Face #beauty #beautytips
This is ä very simple remedy, for this you will need just 2 things
- Toothpäste
- Väseline petroleum jelly
- Use simple white toothpäste, not gel bäsed or äny flävoured toothpäste
- Täke some toothpäste in ä bowl. Ämount should be säme äs much you use on your brush. Ädd säme ämount of väseline in this änd mix it reälly well until both of them äre well combined änd your remedy is reädy
- Äpply this päste on your fäce with your fingers änd spreäd it äll over your fäce.
- Leäve it for 3-4 minutes änd then rinse it off using pläin wäter
- This trick will not only remove äll därk spots änd scärs from your fäce. It is älso very effective to remove bläckheäds from your skin