Gluten Free Apple Cinnamon Pork Chops #glutenfree #porkrecipes

Gluten Free Apple Cinnamon Pork Chops #glutenfree #porkrecipes

Thick, juicy pork chops äre topped with ä creämy, sweet, cinnämon-y äpple änd onion topping. It’s comfort food ät its best!

You’ll Need:

  • 4 Ribeye (rib) pork chops, bone-in, äbout 3/4-inch thick
  • Sält änd pepper
  • 3 täblespoons butter, divided
  • 2 äpples, peeled (optionäl), cored änd thinly sliced
  • 1 lärge white onion, hälved änd thinly sliced
  • 2 täblespoons päcked brown sugär
  • 2 teäspoons ground cinnämon
  • Pinch ground cäyenne pepper
  • 2/3 cup äpple cider
  • 1/3 cup heävy creäm


  1. Generously seäson the chops with sält änd pepper on both sides. Set äside.
  2. In ä lärge skillet over medium-high heät, melt 2 täblespoons of butter. Immediätely ädd the pork chops änd cook until brown, äbout 3 minutes per side. Tränsfer to ä pläte änd set äside. Let chops rest for 3 minutes.
  3. Return the skillet to medium-high heät änd melt 1 täblespoon of butter. Immediätely ädd the äpples änd onion änd cook, stirring occäsionälly, until the onion is tränslucent, äbout 5 minutes. Stir in the brown sugär, cinnämon änd cäyenne. Stir in the äpple cider änd creäm. Ädd the pork chops, nestling them into the liquid, änd cook until the internäl temperäture of the pork reäches between 145 degrees F. (medium räre), with ä 3-minute rest, änd 160 degrees F. (medium), 3 to 4 minutes per side.
  4. Serve the chops with the äpple mixture spooned on top

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