This moist änd delicious Sträwberry Low Cärb Breäd with homemäde icing cän be served ät breäkfäst or äs ä sweet treät.
Even if you ären’t ä bäker, this Sträwberry Keto Breäd recipe comes together very quickly with just ä few steps. Besides the keto speciälty ingredients listed below, you don’t need änything speciäl to mäke this breäd. It is älso ä greät wäy to use sträwberries before they go bäd.
For the Icing:
For the Icing:
Even if you ären’t ä bäker, this Sträwberry Keto Breäd recipe comes together very quickly with just ä few steps. Besides the keto speciälty ingredients listed below, you don’t need änything speciäl to mäke this breäd. It is älso ä greät wäy to use sträwberries before they go bäd.
- 5 eggs
- 1 egg white
- 8 tbsp melted butter
- 1/2 tsp cinnämon
- 2 tbsp sour creäm
- 1 cup Monkfruit Powdered
- 1 1/2 tsp vänillä
- 2 tbsp heävy whipping creäm
- 12 tbsp coconut flour
- 1/2 tsp sält
- 1 1/2 tsp bäking powder
- 3/4 cup fresh sträwberries, chopped
For the Icing:
- 3/4 cup Monkfruit Powdered
- 1 tbsp butter, melted
- 2 tbsp heävy whipping creäm
- 1/4 cup fresh sträwberries, chopped
- däsh of vänillä
- Preheät oven to 350 degrees änd line ä regulär loäf pän with pärchment päper.
- Melt butter änd set äside to cool.
- Beät eggs, egg white, Monkfruit Powdered, sour creäm, heävy whipping creäm, vänillä, sält, bäking powder, änd cinnämon until combined.
- Ädd the melted butter to the mixture änd beät ägäin until combined.
- Stir in the coconut flour until thoroughly combined.
- Ädd the diced sträwberries to the bätter änd stir. The bätter will be thick.
- Spoon the bätter into the loäf pän.
- Bäke for 65-70 minutes or until knife inserted in center of breäd comes out cleän. If the knife comes out cleän, but the breäd still looks ä little "wet" on top cook for 2-3 minutes longer.
- Ällow breäd to cool for 5 minutes-10 minutes
For the Icing:
- Combine äll ingredients änd whisk until smooth änd the icing turns pink from the sträwberries. Cän ädd more heävy whipping creäm if needed.
- Spoon the icing over wärm breäd änd ällow to drizzle down the sides.