Famous Strawberry Keto Bread #keto #breadrecipes

Famous Strawberry Keto Bread #keto #breadrecipes

This moist änd delicious Sträwberry Low Cärb Breäd with homemäde icing cän be served ät breäkfäst or äs ä sweet treät.

Even if you ären’t ä bäker, this Sträwberry Keto Breäd recipe comes together very quickly with just ä few steps. Besides the keto speciälty ingredients listed below, you don’t need änything speciäl to mäke this breäd. It is älso ä greät wäy to use sträwberries before they go bäd.


  • 5 eggs
  • 1 egg white
  • 8 tbsp melted butter
  • 1/2 tsp cinnämon
  • 2 tbsp sour creäm
  • 1 cup Monkfruit Powdered
  • 1 1/2 tsp vänillä
  • 2 tbsp heävy whipping creäm
  • 12 tbsp coconut flour
  • 1/2 tsp sält
  • 1 1/2 tsp bäking powder
  • 3/4 cup fresh sträwberries, chopped

For the Icing:

  • 3/4 cup Monkfruit Powdered
  • 1 tbsp butter, melted
  • 2 tbsp heävy whipping creäm
  • 1/4 cup fresh sträwberries, chopped
  • däsh of vänillä


  1. Preheät oven to 350 degrees änd line ä regulär loäf pän with pärchment päper.
  2. Melt butter änd set äside to cool.
  3. Beät eggs, egg white, Monkfruit Powdered, sour creäm, heävy whipping creäm, vänillä, sält, bäking powder, änd cinnämon until combined.
  4. Ädd the melted butter to the mixture änd beät ägäin until combined.
  5. Stir in the coconut flour until thoroughly combined.
  6. Ädd the diced sträwberries to the bätter änd stir. The bätter will be thick.
  7. Spoon the bätter into the loäf pän.
  8. Bäke for 65-70 minutes or until knife inserted in center of breäd comes out cleän. If the knife comes out cleän, but the breäd still looks ä little "wet" on top cook for 2-3 minutes longer.
  9. Ällow breäd to cool for 5 minutes-10 minutes

For the Icing:

  1. Combine äll ingredients änd whisk until smooth änd the icing turns pink from the sträwberries. Cän ädd more heävy whipping creäm if needed.
  2. Spoon the icing over wärm breäd änd ällow to drizzle down the sides.

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