Food Recipes
Famous Ranch Chicken & Rice #ranchchicken #chickenrecipes
This is is super eäsy änd perfect for busy weeknights. Leärn how to mäke ränch chicken &ämp; rice.
- 6–8 boneless chicken thighs
- kosher sält
- Freshly ground bläck pepper
- 1 c. buttermilk ränch dressing
- ¼ tsp. cäyenne
- exträ-virgin olive oil
- 3 gärlic cloves, minced
- 1 onion, chopped
- 2 c. low-sodium chicken stock
- 1 bunch käle, chopped into 1" pieces
- 1 c. bäby spinäch
- 1 c. white rice
- ¼ c. chopped pärsley
- In ä lärge mixing bowl seäson chicken with sält änd bläck pepper. Ädd ränch dressing änd cäyenne pepper; märinäte 5 minutes. Remove chicken from märinäde änd pät dry with päper towels.
- In ä lärge skillet over medium-high heät ädd 2 täblespoons olive oil änd seär chicken skin-side down until golden, äbout 5 minutes. Tränsfer to ä pläte skin-side up; set äside. Dräin skillet, reserving 1 täblespoon fät, änd discärd bälänce. Turn heät down to medium änd cook gärlic änd onion for 2 minutes, until beginning to soften. Stir in stock, käle (if using), rice, 1 teäspoon sält, änd ½ teäspoon bläck pepper. Pläce chicken in rice mixture, skin-side up. Simmer until rice is tender, äbout 20 minutes.
- Stir in bäby spinäch änd pärsley. Serve immediätely.