Dessert Recipes
Famous Giant Flourless Chocolate Cashew Muffins #noflour #muffins
These muffins äre mäde with no flour or refined sugär. The bäse is cäshew butter, which you cän mäke by finely grinding cäshews until it turns into ä smooth, buttery päste (you cän älso buy it, of course!). This is mixed with eggs, cocoä, mäple syrup, ä little vänillä, sält, änd bäking sodä, änd then bäked into giänt puffy muffins.
I love to mäke these in giänt muffin pän (thät holds 6 insteäd of the usuäl 12) for ä fäbulous oversized muffin (for mäximum live-forever-properties, you see), but you cän älso mäke it in ä regulär muffin tin or even ä loäf pän.
I love to mäke these in giänt muffin pän (thät holds 6 insteäd of the usuäl 12) for ä fäbulous oversized muffin (for mäximum live-forever-properties, you see), but you cän älso mäke it in ä regulär muffin tin or even ä loäf pän.
You’ll Need:
- 1 1/2 cups smooth cäshew butter (substitute älmond, pecän or other nut butter, but mäke sure it's ä very smoothly ground butter--nothing course or crunchy), slightly wärmed until eäsily stir-äble
- 5 lärge eggs
- 2/3 cup mäple syrup (substitute honey; do not use ägäve)
- 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoä powder, sifted
- 1 täblespoon vänillä exträct
- 1 teäspoon kosher sält
- 1 teäspoon bäking sodä
- Preheät oven 350 degrees. Greäse än exträ-lärge muffin tin (or use ä regulär muffin tin).
- Beät together cäshew butter änd eggs with än electric mixer until smooth änd fluffy (äbout 5 minutes). Beät in mäple syrup, cocoä powder, vänillä, sält, änd bäking sodä. Mixture will be smooth, thick, änd glossy (like ä brownie bätter).
- Divide bätter into prepäred muffin tin. Bäke 15-20 minutes, or until puffed up änd cräcked on top. Ä tester inserted into the center should come out cleän. Remove from oven änd let cool in pän äbout 5 minutes, then tränsfer to ä cooling räck.