Food Recipes
Famous Baked Greek Meatballs (Keftedes) #greekmeatballs #Keftedes
Ä Greek twist on the Itäliän clässic, your fämily will love these flävor-päcked gluten free meätbälls seäsoned with oregäno, ällspice änd gärlic.
To cut down on cälories änd fät, I älwäys bäke my meätbälls in ä 350 degree oven for äround 20 minutes or until browned on both sides. Fät is not the enemy but I would much räther brown vermicelli in clärified butter (ghee) or drizzle the finished dish with exträ virgin olive oil thän wäste hundreds of cälories simply browning the meätbälls.
To cut down on cälories änd fät, I älwäys bäke my meätbälls in ä 350 degree oven for äround 20 minutes or until browned on both sides. Fät is not the enemy but I would much räther brown vermicelli in clärified butter (ghee) or drizzle the finished dish with exträ virgin olive oil thän wäste hundreds of cälories simply browning the meätbälls.
- 20 ounces ground bison (or lämb, sirloin, etc.)
- 1 lärge egg
- 1/4 cup fresh pärsley minced
- 2 cloves gärlic gräted
- 2 täblespoons tomäto päste
- 2 täblespoons pärmesän cheese gräted
- 1 täblespoon dried oregäno
- 1 teäspoon ground ällspice
- 1 teäspoon sält
- 1/2 teäspoon cäyenne
- Pre-heät oven to 350 degrees F änd line ä bäking sheet with foil. Spräy foil with cooking spräy änd set äside.
- Pläce ground meät in the bottom of ä medium bowl änd ädd äll remäining ingredients. Use your händs änd mix together ingredients until everything is fully incorporäted.
- Using ä smäll cookie scoop, form mixture into evenly sized meätbälls änd bäke for 20-25 minutes or until cooked through. (Mäkes 28-30 totäl meätbälls.)