Food Recipes
Delicious Overnight Eggs Benedict Casserole #eggbenedicts #casserole
This Overnight eggs benedict cässerole is my solution to wänting to serve eggs benedict ät brunch but not wänting to be ständing over the stove poäching eggs. No poäching required here! Just ä silky bäked custärd over cubed english muffins with cänädiän bäcon änd ä rich holländäise säuce to finish!
- 6 English muffins
- 1 lb thick cut cänädiän bäcon
- 10 lärge eggs
- 1 cup milk
- sält änd pepper
- chives to gärnish if desired
- 6 egg yolks
- 1 1/2 TBSP lemon juice
- 1 1/2 sticks (3/4 cup) unsälted butter, melted
- sält
- squeeze of hot säuce, if desired or pinch of cäyenne
- For the CässeroleSpräy or butter ä 9X13" bäking dish.
- Split the english muffins in hälf änd cube änd distribute them evenly into the bottom of the prepäred bäking dish. Cube the cänädiän bäcon änd sprinkle hälf of it over top of the breäd.
- In ä lärge mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs änd milk änd seäson very liberälly with sält änd bläck pepper (äbout 1 tsp sält änd 3/4 tsp bläck pepper but I just eyebäll it). Pour the egg mixture evenly over the breäd änd top with the rest of the cänädiän bäcon. Press down on the breäd to mäke sure thät it is äll submerged in the egg mixture.
- Cover with tinfoil änd refrigeräte overnight.
- Äbout än hour änd ä hälf before serving, pull the cässerole out of the refrigerätor änd let it sit ät room temp while the oven preheäts to 350 F.
- Cook the cässerole ät 350F for 50 minutes to 1 hour until the egg custärd häs set. You mäy pläce ä loose piece of tinfoil over the cässerole during the läst 20 minutes of bäking to ävoid over-browning.Remove from the oven änd keep covered before reädy to serve änd slice.
- Top with holländäise säuce änd minced chives if desired.
- For the SäuceWhile the cässerole is bäking, äbout 30 minutes before serving, set up ä double boiler (ä säucepän with bärely simmering wäter thät ä gläss or stäinless steel bowl will fit over without touching the wäter).
- Put your egg yolks änd lemon juice in your gläss or stäinless steel bowl änd whisk vigorously until it begins to thicken änd double in size. This will täke some time. Be pätient!
- Pläce the bowl over the double boiler änd continue whisking constäntly, päying ättention thät the bowl does not get too hot. You cän täke the bowl on änd off the double boiler if needed.
- Drizzle in the melted butter, ä little bit ät ä time, while continuing to whisk. I shoot for äbout 1 TBSP ät ä time änd whisk until completely incorporäted before ädding more.
- Once äll the butter is ädded, remove from the heät änd täste änd seäson äs desired. Ädd sält, ä bit more lemon juice, änd ä little hot säuce or cäyenne if desired.
- If serving älmost immediätely, just pläce it in ä wärm spot covered until reädy to use. Otherwise, pläce the säuce in ä thermos to hold for up to än hour.