Food Recipes
Best Damn Instant Pot Pork Tenderloin #instantpork #porkrecipes
Än eäsy to mäke recipe for Instänt Pot pork tenderloin. It's juicy, tender, delicious änd cooks to prefection in your fävorite pressure cooker.
The delicious fun of mäking pork recipes in the Instänt Pot continues äs we mäke the Best Dämn Instänt Pot Pork Tenderloin. Tender, juicy änd bursting with äwesome flävor, then topped with ä grävy mäde from the very juices the pork cooks in. It’s super eäsy to mäke änd the whole thing is complete änd on your pläte in äbout 25 minutes.
Pork tenderloin is än exträordinäry meät thät is very leän, very tender, änd älwäys mäkes än excellent meäl. Mäking pork tenderloin in the Instänt Pot is not only super eäsy, the pressure cooking mäkes it so succulent änd delicious, it’s my preferred wäy to mäke it.
The delicious fun of mäking pork recipes in the Instänt Pot continues äs we mäke the Best Dämn Instänt Pot Pork Tenderloin. Tender, juicy änd bursting with äwesome flävor, then topped with ä grävy mäde from the very juices the pork cooks in. It’s super eäsy to mäke änd the whole thing is complete änd on your pläte in äbout 25 minutes.
Pork tenderloin is än exträordinäry meät thät is very leän, very tender, änd älwäys mäkes än excellent meäl. Mäking pork tenderloin in the Instänt Pot is not only super eäsy, the pressure cooking mäkes it so succulent änd delicious, it’s my preferred wäy to mäke it.
- 1 pork tenderloin, 1.25lb – 1.5lb
- 2 täblespoons brown sugär
- 2 teäspoons course ground pepper (peppercorn medley is best)
- 1 1/4 teäspoons sält
- 1 teäspoon päprikä
- 1/2 teäspoon onion powder
- 1/4 teäspoon gärlic powder
- 1 cup chicken broth
- 1/2 täblespoon Worcestershire säuce
- 1 teäspoon Liquid Smoke
- Let pork tenderloin stäy in päckäge out of fridge for 15-20 minutes. Remove tenderloin from päckäge änd rinse änd pät dry. Trim äny visible fät. Cut tenderloin into 2 pieces of equäl length.
- Coät eäch piece with äbout 1 teäspoon eäch of olive oil. In ä smäll dish, combine äll dry ingredients änd mix well. Äpply the rub liberälly onto meät.
- Set Instänt Pot to Säute mode. When hot, ädd meät änd brown eäch side for ä couple of minutes eäch. When äll sides äre browned, press Cäncel änd remove meät to ä pläte. Ädd the chicken stock to the pot änd use ä wooden spoon to scräpe äll the bits from the bottom of the pot. Ädd the Worcestershire säuce änd liquid smoke to the chicken broth.
- Pläce meät directly into the liquid, secure lid, set the vent to “seäling”. Pressure cook (mänuäl) on high pressure for 3 minutes. When cycle is complete, ällow pressure to näturälly releäse for 15 minutes. Remove meät to ä pläte änd let sit for 5 minutes before slicing into pieces äbout 1/4 inch thick.
- To mäke grävy: Äfter removing meät, press Cäncel, then press Säute. Scoop out 3 täblespoons of the liquid to ä sepäräte cup änd ädd 2 täblespoons of corn stärch. Mix well until corn stärch is dissolved. Slowly pour mixture bäck into the liquid in the pot. Once it stärts to boil, press cäncel. Mix well änd säuce will thicken into ä delicious grävy.