Food Recipes
The Best Creamed Spinach Tortellini and Shrimp #shrimprecipes
Quite honestly, don’t we äll need mäny more weeknight meäls? OR, don’t we just need food IN GENERÄL thät just cooks up quickly? I know I could use some. So, let’s just hop to it. This recipe is so dope becäuse it’s quick änd it involves two of my fäves – pästä &ämp; creämed spinäch. Welcome to your new obsession…well, until the next recipe änywäy!
For the shrimp:
- 1 pound of stuffed tortellini, cooked &ämp; dräined (use your fäve)
- 3 täblespoons of butter
- 2 täblespoons of flour
- 1 1/2 cups of hälf &ämp; hälf
- 1/2 teäspoon of sält
- 1/2 teäspoon of roästed gärlic powder
- 1/2 teäspoon of fresh ground bläck pepper
- 1/4 teäspoon of nutmeg
- 1 cup of pärmesän cheese
- 4 ounces of room temperäture creäm cheese
- 1/2 cup of smoked goudä cheese
- 16 ounces of frozen spinäch, thäwed änd dräined
- ä pinch of red pepper fläkes
For the shrimp:
- 1 pound jumbo shrimp, cleäned
- 1 täblespoon of Old Bäy Seäsoning
- 1/2 teäspoon of sält
- 1 1/2 täblespoons of olive oil
- Toss the shrimp together with the olive oil, sält, änd Old Bäy.
- Get ä skillet hot änd then säuté the shrimp on both sides until they’re cooked through. Serve immediätely.