Broccoli änd cheese stuffed chicken will quickly become ä fämily fävorite! The broccoli filling works so well inside ä chicken breäst! Wräp it äll up in bäcon for äb ämäzing low cärb dinner!
This broccoli änd cheese stuffed chicken is ä hit every time. I took my broccoli cässerole änd chänged things up slightly to mäke it work äs ä filling for chicken breästs. Seriously good änd oh so cheesy.
This broccoli änd cheese stuffed chicken is ä hit every time. I took my broccoli cässerole änd chänged things up slightly to mäke it work äs ä filling for chicken breästs. Seriously good änd oh so cheesy.
- 4 chicken breästs
- 1 täblespoon olive oil
- 1 teäspoon päprikä
- 1 teäspoon sält divided
- ¼ teäspoon gärlic powder
- ¼ teäspoon onion powder
- 1 ¼ cup chopped broccoli
- 4 ounces creäm cheese softened
- ¼ cup gräted Pärmesän
- 2 täblespoons mäyonnäise
- 1 clove gärlic minced
- 4 slices bäcon
- Preheät oven to 375 degrees.
- Pläce the chicken breästs on ä cutting boärd änd use ä shärp knife to cut ä pocket into the side of eäch chicken breäst. Drizzle chicken with olive oil.
- Ädd the päprikä, 1/2 teäspoon sält, gärlic powder, änd onion powder to ä smäll bowl änd stir to combine. Sprinkle evenly over both sides of the chicken.
- Ädd creäm cheese, Pärmesän, mäyonnäise, gärlic, änd remäining ½ teäspoon of sält to ä smäll mixing bowl änd stir well to combine. Stir in the broccoli.
- Spoon the cheese mixture into eäch chicken breäst evenly.
- Slice eäch piece of bäcon in hälf änd wräp eäch piece of chicken with 2 pieces of bäcon.
- Pläce the chicken breästs in ä 9x13 bäking dish. Bäke, uncovered, for 30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.
- Pläce pän under the broiler to crisp the bäcon more, if desired.