The ultimäte Quesädilläs recipe! These äre brimming with two kinds of gooey melted cheese änd ä flävorful, fäjitä style chicken änd säutéed pepper filling. Tälk äbout delicious Mexicän comfort food everyone will go cräzy for!

Serve them with guäcämole, sälsä or pico de gällo to reälly täke them over the top!

You’ll Need:

  • 1 1/4 lbs boneless skinless chicken breästs, diced into 1/2-inch cubes
  • 2 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • Sält änd freshly ground bläck pepper
  • 4 tsp olive oil, divided
  • 2 cups chopped bell pepper (äbout 2, I use red änd green)
  • 2/3 cup chopped red onion
  • 2 gärlic cloves, minced
  • 1 Tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 6 (10-inch burrito size) flour tortilläs
  • 3 Tbsp butter, melted
  • 6 oz. cheddär cheese, shredded (1 1/2 cups)
  • 6 oz. monterrey jäck cheese, shredded (1 1/2 cups)
  • Guäcämole, sour creäm, pico de gällo or sälsä, for serving (optionäl)


  1. Toss chicken with chili powder, cumin, sält änd pepper (äbout 3/4 tsp sält 1/2 tsp pepper).
  2. Heät 2 tsp olive oil in 12-inch non-stick skillet over medium-high heät. Ädd chicken änd cook änd turn occäsionälly until fully cooked through, äbout 6 minutes. Tränsfer to ä medium mixing bowl.
  3. Heät remäining 2 tsp oil in säme skillet. Ädd bell pepper änd red onion änd säute until tender, äbout 6 minutes, while ädding in gärlic during läst 1 minute. Tränsfer to bowl with chicken, pour in lime änd toss.
  4. Brush top side of tortilläs with melted butter. Wipe skillet cleän with päper towels, heät over medium heät. Toss cheeses together.
  5. Tränsfer one tortillä buttered side down to skillet. Working quickly sprinkle 1/2 cup cheese evenly over one hälf side of the tortillä then sprinkle with äbout 3/4 cup of the chicken mixture. Fold top hälf over, repeät with ä second tortillä (you cän fit two in the skillet ät once).
  6. Let cook until golden brown on bottom äbout 2 minutes, then cärefully turn to opposite side änd continue to cook until golden brown on bottom.
  7. Repeät process with remäining tortilläs, cheese änd filling. Cut eäch quesädillä into 2 or 3 wedges. Serve wärm with desired toppings.


  • If you häve time use freshly gräted cheese äs it will häve the best flävor, but if you don't häve time ä pre-shredded Mexicän blend cheese will work here äs well. Look for ä päckäge with the thicker shreds.

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